We invite all staff to participate in a let’s connect event “National Cuisine Day” to be held on Tuesday, 1st August. The event will take place in the BG1 and BG2 rooms on L1 (between 12:00 PM and 1 PM) AND at your client site.
To make this lunch truly special, we're calling on all staff who can volunteer to bring in a traditional dish from their country of origin or even their favorite cultural dish. Let's celebrate the rich diversity of our team by sharing our unique culinary delights.
In the spirit of giving back, we kindly request an entry fee of a gold coin donation. All proceeds from the event will go directly to OzHarvest, a remarkable food rescue organization. OzHarvest is dedicated to the mission of 'Nourishing our Country' by preventing good food from going to waste and distributing it to charities that help feed people in need.
By participating in this International Cuisine lunch, not only will you savor mouthwatering dishes from around the world, but you will also be making a tangible difference in the lives of those who face hunger.
For those of you working at client sites, we encourage you to coordinate with your team and with your client to arrange your own National Cuisine event at your client’s office. This will need to be arranged in collaboration with your client, and of course encourage your client and teams’ involvement to bring in a dish to share. Please feel free to reach out to Janet Wang (janet.a.wang@au.pwc.com) if you have any questions or need further information.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Celeste De Achadinha

Jarof Coins
Thanks all!

Maria Slaughter


Ivo Vekemans
Great event, great food



Katie Heading

Lara Stone

Nick Sunderland

Sam Comerford

Claire Bruen

Janet Wang
