Swim The 20 Bridges NYC

Swims for those in need

Welcome to Our Fundraising Page

Thank you to our Sponsors


Mark Klenke

If only Richmond FC showed this much dedication! Great effort Peter!


Joe Lentz

Keep up the good work Peter, OnOn


Anne-maria Janke

You are a real inspiration Pete. Good luck and in the wise words of Dory: ..just keep swimming...


Ben Rolfe

All the very best for the swim. What a fantastic challenge and a wonderful cause.



Dream Big!


Anne Nicholls

Good luck!


Sandra Gates

Great work Peter


John Buskes


Barry Mccormack

You're a good fella Peter. Always thinking about others and very generous. Swimming 43k is insane by the way....💪


Sean Fox

All the best Peter. Great cause.


Cameron Dunsford

What an awesome feat, go Peter!


Yara Gildass-okan


Matt Atkinson

Great work Peter! Happy to support such a good cause!


David Mccormack

I would love to join you but you have seen me swim. !!!


Glenn Capuano



Josephine Crompton

Wishing you a great swim Peter. Good luck!


Richard Rows



John Van Wisse

Donation from pool side in cash...put that in your bathers, it's waterproof!!


Nick Clarke

Extra $1 for every dead body you see 😊


Ali T

An epic challenge Pete! Good luck to you for giving it your all and supporting OzHarvest and the great work they do!


Ronni Kahn

Phenomenal! Thank you so much!!!!!


Jen Sandvold

Good luck Peter!


Ivo Kafka

Good luck and swim hard champ!


Janet Hall

Go Peter. You are a legend! xxx Dr Jan


Gary Rowley



Sarah Hyman

Go Peter! so proud of your spirit and endurance!


Peter Doonan

Go Pete!


Tanya Frost

Swim safe, have a ball


Roger Bounds

Good luck mate


Paul Stravato

You’re an inspiration and another fantastic achievement will be conquered. From one Intrepid to another best of luck Peter.


Shereen Massimi


Vid Jelo

Good work Pete and great cause. Go bust Manhattan a new one.


Moana Peai

Good luck Peter


Jen Willis

Love that you are doing this!!


Wendy Hall

Great work Pete.


Kim Mccormack

It's only 47km Pete Simples!! Enjoy your swim Pete l know you can do it.



Wow Peter I'm in awe.


Julie & Tony Boxsell

Go you good thing!


Phil Nyssen

Well done Peter 🙌


Jimi Watson

Best of luck Peter! Incredible effort!


Matthew Flaherty

Well done Peter 👍👍


Tina Kemp

Go you good thing! Always helping others. You are a good egg


Simon Jemmett

Good luck Pete. Awesome effort!


Gene Hayden

Great cause! Good luck Peter! Geno


Debra Cochrane

You astound me with your endeavours Peter! Amazing!


Amy Wadsworth

Good luck Peter, what a great challenge and for a worthy cause!


Michael Lim

Go Peter!


Jørgen Liavaag Næss

Go Peter!


Diya Pradhan

All the best baba, looking forward to it


Andrew Le

Good Luck Peter. Andrew - Valuations Sydney.


Shien Theshark


Naomi Coote

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